Glutes Lady

Lead Generation Website

Glutes Lady has been passionate about sports from a young age. Driven by her own experiences and feedback from women, she realized the importance of education in achieving a balanced lifestyle. Her journey led her to transform her hobby into a business, teaching women how to live healthily.

The Glutes Lady programs are more than exercises; they’re a catalyst for change. Her vision is to create the largest community of fit, confident women leading energetic and active lives, embodying the ‘Forever Young’ concept.


The primary challenges for Glutes Lady were transitioning to an online business model right before the COVID pandemic started and standing out in a market that became crowded with fitness trainers moving online.


Online Transitioning Post-COVID

We needed to move Glutes Lady’s fitness business online in the wake of the pandemic, which meant building an online presence from the ground up during a time of global uncertainty.


Competitive Differentiation

The move to online brought a lot of competitors in the fitness space, so the challenge was to differentiate her brand and services to stand out in a crowded digital market.


Having navigated the challenges, the second chapter of our client’s journey outlines the strategic solutions and innovative methodologies we employed to overcome obstacles. Here, we illuminate the transformative steps taken to turn challenges into opportunities.

Compelling Landing Page Creation

Developed a landing page that vividly encapsulated the unique aspects of Glutes Lady’s services, focusing on her personal journey and philosophy to attract ideal clients.

Effective Upselling and Page Optimization

Implemented upsells and order bumps, optimizing these pages to maximize sales conversions.

Copywriting and Consulting

Crafted engaging copy and provided consulting services to create and refine service offerings.

We tailored a digital transformation for Glutes Lady, amplifying her fitness philosophy into an online community built on trust, health, and empowerment.


Increased Conversion Rates

The personalized landing page resonated with the target audience, leading to higher conversions.

Enhanced Sales through Upselling

Effective upsell strategies contributed to an increase in average sales value.

Distinct Market Positioning

Unique branding and messaging helped Glutes Lady stand out in a competitive market.


conversion rate


conversion rate on upsells and order bumps


ROAS (vs. previous landing pages)